This will automatically set the logical history file size to the currentĪllocated number of pages at the time of creating the next fault entry which exceeds the Procedure described in Changing the size of a PDSE history file, set the Until the minimum number of fault entries has been created in the history Logical History File Size (Pages) This field is only displayed for a PDSE history file and only if the user hasĭata set READ access to the history file.įile size as a number of 4K pages, and is used by Fault Analyzer to aid in space management of the This prefix, and by using different prefixes for different historyįiles, this can make the fault IDs easier to recognize.įault entry prefix value shown always reflects the current settingįor the history file. All new fault entries created in the history file are given The appended fault entry number, forms the fault ID for this historyįile. Fault Entry Prefix A one to three alphabetic character prefix which, together with Current Number of Fault Entries The number of fault entries currently in the selected historyįile.

User has data set READ access to the history file. Allocated Extents The total number of extents allocated for the history file. Has data set READ access to the history file. The total number of original allocation units used. Used Space For a PDSE history file, this is the total number of pages used. Allocated Space The total allocated data set space in original allocation units. Secondary Space The secondary data set space allocation in original allocation units. For PDSE history files theĮquivalent number of pages is also shown. Primary Space The primary data set space allocation in original allocation units. Data Set Type The selected history file type as one of the following: History File Name The history file name whose settings are to be changed. The following fields are provided on this display: │ (*) When the total number of fault entries exceeds this value, then the │ │ Press Enter to change history file settings, or press PF3/PF12 to cancel. │ Change Fault History File Settings Line 1 Col 1 76 │ Next, the Change Fault History File Settings display, as the example shown in Sample Change Fault History File Settings display, is presented.

You can lock a fault entry to prevent it from being deleted from a history file.
Automatic file renaming software code#